CERN has recently installed a heavy ion Linac, which injects a lead ion beam into the accelerator chain of PSB - PS - SPS for fixed target experiments of the quark-gluon plasma.
With the approval of the LHC it is foreseen to collide Pb-Pb beams at energies in the 1000TeV (centre of mass frame) range. In order to have a reasonable collision rate in the ALICE detector, the particle production rate of the injector chain to the LHC has to be dramatically increased from the level obtainable with the present scheme. This is the aim of the PIL (PS Ions for LHC) project.
The preferred route for this upgrade is to run the Linac at 10 Hz rep rate (as opposed to ~1 Hz today) and inject the beam into the Low Energy Ion Ring (LEIR) where it is cooled (the emittance reduced) before acceleration and injection into the PS.
Another scheme could be to use a Laser Ion Source (LIS) as a pre-injector to the Linac. This would allow the production of a short pulse length (~5 us) high current, high charge-state beam for injection into a synchrotron (PSB or LEAR). It is this scheme that is being studied as an experiment in the PS-PP group.
In 2001 the installation of the source with a new target chamber, target illumination and extraction took place. These elements were designed to accept 1Hz operation of the laser. The system was tested (without extraction) with the 30J Lumonics laser.In 2002 (and the beginning of 2003) the following tasks were undertaken
However, the decision was taken that from the end of March 2003, the study will be stopped at CERN. Thereafter, the equipment will be moved to ITEP (Moscow) where work can continue, to use the source for the TWAC ion accumulator.